A gray striped cat stalked around Flowerpaw, warning her of her soon-to-be injuries. The cat unsheathed it's claws and let out a low growl. It's fur fluffed up and she went into a fighter's crouch. Suddenly, the cat pounced up and pinned Flowerpaw down.
"Help!" she cried, "Stonepaw, help me!"
"There's no one left, apprentice!" the cat hissed into her ear.
At once, Flowerpaw's eyes flew open, and she instantly smelled her brother, who was sleeping soundlessly beside her. He drowsily opened his eyes and asked, "Something wrong?"
"No.... Nothing, just a dream was all." Flowerpaw quickly replied.
"Well, okay, I guess." Stonepaw gave her a lick on the shoulder. "We'll be fine."
Flowerpaw did nothing more than nod before she was interrupted by a small white cat. "Hi!" the cat began, "I heard you're from the forest! Is it true you survived for all these moons?"
Flowerpaw said nothing, but Stonepaw replied, "Um, yes. It's true." Stonepaw gave Flowerpaw a shrug.
"Snowpaw! Don't talk to prisoners!" a voice sounded from behind.
"Sorry, got to go. I have to go train. Talk to you soon, ok?" Snowpaw said eagerly.
"Uh, ok." Stonepaw said.
Flowerpaw watched Snowpaw run back to her mentor, as a shiver ran across her spine. She looks like the cat who attacked me! She thought. It isn't true. It was just a dream!
"Hello, Stonepaw, Flowerpaw. Fawnstar wishes to speak to you both in her den," Crowpelt told them. "Now would probably be the best time." he finished sneeringly.
Stonepaw growled, "We're going."
Crowpelt spun around and padded away. "I don't like him." Stonepaw told Flowerpaw. "Just look at him! He thinks he's the best warrior the land has ever seen!"
"It's okay, Stonepaw. We all know he isn't." Flowerpaw reassured him. "Let's go see Fawnstar."
The two walked across the clearing and into Fawnstar's den. Flamefur was in the den, grooming Fawnstar.
"I'll be going then. I'll take a dawn patrol out to watch our borders. Maybe do a bit of hunting as well." Flamefur walked out of the leader's den.
"What a fine warrior she is, don't you agree?" Fawnstar asked.
"Y-yes," Stonepaw replied hoarsely.
"She's a wonderful deputy." Fawnstar shook her head. "Back to the subject, you two need a Clan, correct?"
Flowerpaw and Stonepaw gave a weak nod.
"Well then, welcome to DuskClan," Fawnstar smiled. "Allow me to show you around the camp." She stood up and lead the apprentices out the den.
Fawnstar walked to a small but well-configured den. "This is the elder's den. This is where all retired members of DuskClan sleep. That's Hailstripe, Stormtail, and Sandclaw. It appears one is out of the den right now. It's okay though. Follow me." She padded out of the den, and walked into a very big, protected den. "This is the kit den. The queens stay in here with them. That's Oakkit and Morningkit, with their mom Featherpelt." Featherpelt looked strong and proud, as so were her kits.
Fawnstar quietly walked out of the den, and straight into another. "The apprentice den, where you'll be sleeping. Apprentices hunt and care for the elders. There are other apprentices but they are either hunting with patrols or training with their mentors. Right now, this is Mistpaw and Smokepaw. Come."
She padded out and in to a huge den, streaming with cats. "This is the warrior den. Here is Shadowclaw, Crowpelt, Thunderclaw, Silverheart, Silentmoon, Leopardtail, and Nightfur. There are a few more warriors on patrols or with their apprentices. A lot of them, I know. But it can only be a good thing." She smiled. "And let me show you the medicine cat's den."
She left the warrior's den and across the clearing. She walked into a small den with lots of plants and berries. All of them were lined up and aligned in order. "Leafwind!" Fawnstar called. A light-gray she-cat walked in from an opening. She had green eyes and looked kind. "We have new members of our clan I'd like you to meet."
"Shadowstripe?" Leafwind tilted her head.
"No, no, these are his kits. We have found them and welcomed them." Fawnstar replied.
"Oh!" she smiled, "Hehe, I'm Leafwind, and you both are?"
"Stonepaw and Flowerpaw." Stonepaw replied proudly.
"You both look so much like your father!... And... And your mother." Leafwind hesitated before she said, "Welcome to DuskClan!"
Fawnstar nodded. "We'll be going then, I want them to meet their mentors." Stonepaw and Flowerpaw both looked at each other.
"We're gonna have real mentors?" Stonepaw asked.
"Of course, come on!" Fawnstar yelped.
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