Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Chapter 14 (Sorry for the long wait!)

   As they traveled out into DuskClan territory and into their forest. Flowerpaw walked silently by Stonepaw's side, not taking a single step without him. The group hurried along, because Thornstar was just as anxious as the DuskClan members were to see the trail and everyone's reactions. The slight wind in the air was chilling, and made Flowerpaw's hair prickle and stand on end.
   We stopped.
    "This is it! You can smell it yourself!" Thunderclaw sneered.
   Thornstar and his two other warriors all smelled the ground. Thornstar's ears went down, and Flowerpaw knew he was guilty.
   "This isn't a fox's scent!" Thornstar tried to fool the rest of them. "You don't know what this could be!"
   Flamefur hissed, "Then what do you think this could be? There is nothing you can defend yourself with! Your warriors trespassed!"
   Nightblade's claws extended and he sprang at Flamefur. You could here the anger in her voice as she was yowling, "You disobeyed the warrior code!"
   Now, Mudfur had joined in, tackling Thunderclaw. Even Thornstar was attacking Silverheart and Crowpelt. Flowerpaw is out of it, and she and her brother could escape. She had to get him to a medicine cat before it was too late.
   "Stonepaw!" she whispered loud enough for him to hear, "I'm taking you back to Leafwind! Don't worry! Please, come with me!"
   Stonepaw didn't say a word, but he moved his paws in an awkward limp, and he walked quickly by his sister's side.
   Once they were half way to the camp, Stonepaw fell over. And, Flowerpaw was there to cushion his fall slightly. She looked at him, wondering what she could do.
   "Go get her. Or anyone. I'll be fine. I promise."
   Flowerpaw trusted him. What else could she do anyway? She licked his head, "I will be back, Stonepaw. Don't fade."
   He knew what she meant.
   Flowerpaw turned away and ran as fast as she could. Running was her best chance, not fighting, not carrying him. Running. That's all she could do.
   It was almost sunset when she had reached camp. The cats were all staring at her. Everyone. Flowerpaw looked around. "Where's Leafwind?!" she cried helplessly.
   Silentmoon approached her, "Leafwind is picking berries with Cloudpaw by the entrance. What's the matter?" she mewed, noticing that she was out of breath.
   "Thanks!" She didn't have time to reply, she ran back to the entrance of the camp. She turned around and around. "Where is she?" She thought. Soon enough, she saw her, a few fox-lengths away. She ran to her.
   "Leafwind! Stonepaw needs you! Please come, I don't have much time!" she yelled.
   Leafwind wasn't one to ask questions. She handed Cloudpaw the berries, "Take these back to the den. I'll be back soon enough." She grabbed common herbs for healing that were around her, and she even had found poppy seeds. She carried them in her mouth, and signaled to Flowerpaw to lead the way.
   Leafwind was a fast runner as well, she caught up with Flowerpaw without a problem. As soon as they had brushed the leaves out of the way and gotten to where Stonepaw was, he was gone.
   "Leafwind! He was here!" Flowerpaw cried, and she could feel the water drowning her eyes.
   Together, they turned, as the cry from Stonepaw was heard, and the birds deserted the trees.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Chapter 13

   As the the patrol of Flamefur, Silverheart, Thunderclaw, Crowpelt, and Flowerpaw entered the forest, they could hardly scent the fox, rabbit, and bird smell. They saw the camp, but stayed out. They all hid behind a bush, watching closely what was going on inside.
   Flowerpaw scented her brother, as alarmed as ever, she searched frantically for him. Then she saw him, with two ForestClan warriors, both toms and a bit bigger than most cats, standing beside him, as if guarding him. As if making sure he wouldn't run away...
   "You weren't even with a warrior? And you trespassed on our territory?" Thornstar, the leader of ForestClan asked Stonepaw.
   Trespass? He wasn't trespassing! Stonepaw wouldn't do that! Flowerpaw thought with fury. She watched how Stonepaw would reply.
   "I wasn't trespassing! I was on DuskClan territory! These two were trespassing! And I was with my mentor!" Stonepaw cried out, sounding brave, but with a bit of pleading in his tone.
   Thornstar looked disgusted. "I told you to never come back! You're exciled from our territory, remember?" He hissed. "And don't you know it's against the Warrior Code to trespass?"
   "Well, I wasn't on your territory!" Stonepaw meowed with despair.
   "I've heard enough! Mudfur, take him to the forest. You know what to do there," Thornstar said devilishly.
   Flowerpaw's eyes grew wide with horror. "They're going to kill him!" She said loud enough for only the patrol to hear. "All of that Thornstar said isn't true! Stonepaw is telling the truth! He didn't trespass."
   "She's right!" Thunderclaw meowed. "If we don't stop this now, he'll be crow food."
   Flamefur shook her head with frustration. "Come on," she growled angrily.
   She stood and led the cats to the camp. All of the eyes of ForestClan trailed on the patrol, and their fur bristled.
   Flamefur walked to Thornstar, in a rapid pace. "We're not here for a battle. We're here to explain."
   Thornstar looked evil with denial. "No, don't try to defend this foolish apprentice of what he's done."
   "You've been fooled!" Crowpelt spat out. "Mudfur and Nightblade are the one's who are guilty!"
   Mudfur and Nightblade's fur bristled as they growled. Thornstar, though, didn't get angry. Instead he just hissed, "Well if I'm such a fool, why am I the one with the Clan who doesn't trespass!"
   Crowpelt nearly pounced, but Flamefur held his ground, "Steady, Crowpelt," she whispered to him.
   "I'm his mentor, and I told him to go hunting as a test. He vanished the second I laid eyes off him. He couldn't trespass that quick, don't you think?" Thunderclaw's tone was calm, but angry inside.
   "They brought foxes with them! You don't find foxes in the forest! Only in DuskClan will you find foxes!" Silverheart mewed with confidence.
   Thornstar looked a bit uneasy as he wondered who was right. He felt his confidence fade. "My warriors wouldn't disobey the warrior code. And maybe the fox they found was just a few trails off from your territory."
   "You don't understand! We have the scent trail to prove it!" Flamefur announced.
   Thornstar looked frustrated now, as his muscles relaxed a bit he sighed. "Show me the scent trail. I'd like to smell it myself."
   As they were about to exit camp, Flowerpaw caught Stonepaw's glare for a brief moment. She saw how tired and in pain he was. She even noticed he had scratches on him. She felt a sharp pain in her stomach.
   "And you, Stonepaw. You're coming with us!" Thornstar yowled.
   Flowerpaw turned and saw him weakly limp with the patrol. She slowed a few paces to speak with him. "My goodness, Stonepaw," she sighed and licked him gently. "Where did they hurt you?"
   He didn't reply. He only shook his head.
   "Stonepaw? It's all right, you can speak to me," Flowerpaw felt for the first time, that he was slowly dying. His lack of energy brought herself to think he was fading away from her. "Stonepaw!" she cried.
   He looked at her. "I'm fine, Flowerpaw," he said with frustration.
   Sadness grew in her. The fact that he wouldn't admit to being hurt, worried her. She knew he was slipping away from her without a medicine cat. He is dissapearing in the sight of her own eyes.
   No words were spoken after that.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Chapter 12

   Flowerpaw spun around, seeing Thunderclaw rushing into camp, out of breath. Flamefur was first to ask, "What is it? Someone attacking?"
   "No, it's Stonepaw! He's gone!" Thunderclaw breathlessly yowled.
   Flowerpaw froze. "What does he mean gone?" She thought, "He couldn't have ran away? Or worse, got taken?"
   Flamefur seemed a bit too surprised her self, "What do you mean?"
   "I was giving him a test. I told him to go around hunting. And I was watching. But before I could catch up to him, he had vanished!" Thunderclaw looked almost insane, trying hard to make everyone believe it's not his fault.
   "Did you get any scent tracks?" The deputy asked.
   "No, his scent just stopped so suddenly... As if... As if he was lifted off the ground..."
   Flowerpaw felt her heart nearly thump out of her chest. "It must be a hawk or eagle of some sort," she thought.
   "But, I did scent a fox where he was. A bit stale, I might have mistaken it for a bird. As for I have never scented a bird," Thunderclaw looked frantically around the camp, waiting for the reaction.
   Flamefur looked to puzzled to respond, so she tried to not make the decision herself. "I'll go get Fawnstar." She walked away from the group of cats.
   Flowerpaw felt a ripple of worry cross her spine. She felt as thought someone was chanting in her ear, "Go, run. Run and find him." But she tried hard to stay back, as for whatever was out there, if it could catch her stronger brother, it would catch her.
   Fawnstar was half walking- half running towards the group of cats around Thunderclaw. "Flamefur told me what's happened. Is there any way you could show a patrol where you lost Stonepaw?"
   "Uh, sure," Thunderclaw mewed in confusion, "Who shall come with me?"
   "I'll go!" Flowerpaw meowed louder than she expected.
   "Oh, um, all right. Who else?" Thunderclaw yelled to the Clan.
   Silverheart stepped out, "I'll go, since she is going," she pointed her tail towards Flowerpaw.
   "And I will go."
   Flowerpaw never thought he would join in the patrol to find Stonepaw. The sleek, black tom stepped out of the crowd and stood beside Thunderclaw.
   "Are you sure, Crowpelt?" Flamefur had gently asked.
   Crowpelt nodded in answer.
   "Anyone else?" Thunderclaw meowed.
   "I suppose I'll go, as last cat." Flamefur joined the patrol. "Okay, Thunderclaw. Show us where the apprentice was when you lost him."

   Flowerpaw grew so worried, that she could hardly focus. She began tripping over things, bumping into trees, and sometimes walking straight through bushes. She had been only thinking about her lost brother.
   "Here," Thunderclaw came to a stop. "This is where I lost his scent."
   Silverheart took a sniff and tasted the air, "It smells like a mix of fox, rabbit, and bird..."
   Flowerpaw bent down and only scented fox. She wondered how the others could smell bird or rabbit.
   Crowpelt leaned over. "It smells like rabbit and bird, to me."
   Flamefur didn't know how to handle the situation with so many people smelling so many things. "How about we split up? Silverheart, Thunderclaw, and Flowerpaw can follow the fox trail, Crowpelt and I will follow the rabbit. Since the bird can fly, there's no use trying to locate it. I just wonder how all three came into a single place."
   "Sounds good to me. Let's split," Crowpelt went along, following the rabbit scent.
   Flowerpaw noticed that the fox and bird was following the rabbit scent too. She kept following it, and realizing she was following Crowpelt, Silverheart voiced her thoughts, "They're all going in the same direction."
   "That might change," Thunderclaw tried.
   "He's right, let's just keep following all three. But why would the bird be on the ground?" Flamefur sounded frustrated.
   They all stayed silent until they met up with ForestClan border.
   "I think I know what's going on. They were trying to trick us into going into their border, just to punish us!" There was real anger in Silverheart's voice.
   "They must of caught a bird, rabbit, and fox. And they dragged it along with them, with Stonepaw on their backs. Trying to confuse us into thinking that the animals caught Stonepaw!" Crowpelt concluded. "And that also means they were hunting on our territory!" He began a low growl.
   "But that means Stonepaw is there!" Flowerpaw pleaded.
   "She's right, we need to go see for ourselves. But listen, we're not asking for a fight. We won't battle unless they come at us first." Flamefur ordered. "Let's go."

Friday, June 1, 2012

Chapter 11

   Flowerpaw inched her way towards the medicine cat den. She had just gotten back from training with her mentor. She had promised her brother last night she would apoligize to Snowpaw. She just didn't know how.
   "Something wrong?" Leafwind had asked.
   Flowerpaw stuttered, "Uh, ye- I mean no. I just need to see Snowpaw for a quick moment, please?"
   Flowerpaw watched as Leafwind's eyes trailed to the floor. "About that... You see, Fawnstar specifically told me not to let you see her. Only for safety reasons of course."
   The apprentice looked stunned. "You don't understand! I have to apoligize to her."
   "Eh... Cloudpaw!" Leafwind called. She heard rustling in the back of the den and saw the white half-blind apprentice step out.
   "Yes, Leafwind?" she had sounded utterly exhausted.
   "Take Flowerpaw to see Snowpaw. If anything goes wrong, escort her out, alright?" Leafwind mewed.
   Cloudpaw nodded. She turned and led the way to Snowpaw.
   She looked horrible. Her tail was wrapped in soaked blood-red cobwebs. Her neck was covered in green herbs, the juice of the herb all over the scratches on her body. Her pelt was horrifying, muffled and smelled for having not being washed for a while.
   "Snowpaw, visitor." Cloudpaw meowed without expression.
   Snowpaw opened her eyes to tiny slits, and when she had seen Flowerpaw, she had opened her eyes wide. She called to Cloudpaw, "Please stay in here! Please!"
   Cloudpaw looked awkwardly at her. Flowerpaw spoke, "I'm not her for more destruction. I know apoligizing won't be enough to repay my mistakes, but I must say I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything. I shouldn't have gotten in the way of you two and I should've let you stay together in peace."
   Snowpaw kept staring at her in awe. She hesitated before she spoke, then replied with nothing more than, "Fine."
   Cloudpaw stood, and escorted Flowerpaw out. Flowerpaw had not wanted to leave though, she wanted to hear more. But she got her to forgive her and that was all she needed to hear.
   Flowerpaw looked for her brother, excited to tell him the news. Yet when she had reached the apprentice den, he was not there. Probably with his mentor, Flowerpaw thought.
   Then, she heard it.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Chapter 10

The same night, Flowerpaw didn't sleep. She didn't think about her nightmares, her mother, or even Snowpaw. All she could think about was Stonepaw. Flowerpaw didn't set a paw in the apprentice den, she couldn't handle being in there. She left herself to mourn and shiver without her brother.


Flowerpaw cautiously spun around to look, but no one was there. "H-Hello?" she mewed.

A white, scrawny cat exposed herself, and she peeked out the side of the medicine cat's den. At first, Flowerpaw thought it was Snowpaw, but this she-cat had something different. Her eyes, one was blue, the other a pale green.

"Hi," the shy cat mewed.

"Oh, hello," Flowerpaw inched herself closer to the younger cat. "What might your name be?"

"Cloudpaw, and I know your name," the she-cat whispered embarrisingly.

Flowerpaw nodded, "The whole Clan knows. I havn't seen you before, are you a new apprentice?"

Cloudpaw shook her head, "I'm the medicine cat apprentice. I usually go out to collect herbs. I'm not really trusted with using them, though."

Flowerpaw already knew why, but she didn't want to offend her. "Why so?"

Cloudpaw looked up, "My eye. I'm blind in the green eye. I couldn't become a warrior, so I thought maybe a medicine cat would be nice. But the Clan doesn't trust me, so I leave a lot. Not really liking Clan life like this." She licked her paw, "Sometimes I promise myself that I'll leave the Clan."

"I can relate," Flowerpaw looked at the ground.

"I've seen what's happened between you and your brother. He's a mouse-brain for not letting you explain why you attacked Snowpaw," Cloudpaw meowed encouragingly.

"Thanks," Flowerpaw realized how tired she was after having company on her side of the battle. "I'll be getting some sleep now, thank you again."

Cloudpaw nodded and headed back to her den with Leafwind. Flowerpaw really didn't want to enter the apprentice den, but she had to at some point in time. She neared her way to the entrance and slowly creeped in. Everyone in the den was asleep. She sighed with relief and found a comfortable place where she could sleep.

Suddenly, she could feel a breath on her shoulder. She didn't dare see who it was, so she kept her head on her paws.

"So, I'm a mouse-brain, am I?"

Flowerpaw winced when she heard her brother's voice in her ear.

"Wh-What?" she pretended like she didn't know what he was talking about.

"Oh, your friend Cloudpaw? I thought I heard her say I'm a mouse-brain," he said, trying to get something out of his sister.

"Oh, uhm..." her voice trailed off.

"It's fine, as long as you don't believe it."

Flowerpaw felt his eyes lock in her fur. She turned to look at him. "Can I talk to you?"

"We're talking right now," he told her.

Flowerpaw rolled her eyes, "Not here."


They strode out of the apprentice den and out to the forest. Once they had reached a flat surface, they sat down.

She turned to face him, and noticed how serious he looked. But for the first time, she saw pain in his eyes. "Please let me explain what happened."

"Go ahead."

"I was crying, okay? Then, she came and said that you love eachother. And out of impulse, I said he's still my brother and I want you to stay away from him. She said 'he's mine and thats final, got it?' I got so mad I attacked her, it's not like it was random! I mean I still deserve to have you as a brother, right?"

Stonepaw didn't know how to reply, so he locked eyes with her. "You should know better than to hurt someone I love!"

Flowerpaw growled, "You hurt me! And so did she! She took you away from me, and you knew that she was stealing you, and you let her! Don't you know that I have feelings? And not just her?!"

Stonepaw grew speechless with every word she had said. "Alright, I understand now. I'm sorry I hurt you."

Flowerpaw was surprised, she didn't know he would come through like that. "I-I'm sorry too."

"Do me a favor, apoligize to her, will you?" he licked her behind the ear.

"Uh..." she noticed and felt the pain in him, "Alright, I'll say sorry to her. But I don't know if she'll forgive me."

"It's fine, I just want to know you tried."

Since she set paw in the Clan, she never felt as relaxed as she did with her brother.

"Thunderclaw said we're almost ready to become warriors," Stonepaw tried lightening the mood.

"Probably you, now the whole Clan thinks I'm just a pain like our mom," Flowerpaw licked her paw, trying to disguise her fear.

"It'll be okay, I'll make sure you become a warrior too."

"Thank you, Stonepaw," Flowerpaw never thought she would say that again.

Chapter 9

"Mind if I eat with you both?" Flowerpaw meowed to Mistpaw and Smokepaw, eating happily beside eachother.

"Uh, sure," Mistpaw mewed.

Flowerpaw sat down and ate her plump mouse, still thinking about her brother.

"So what's on your mind?" Smokepaw asked.

"Oh, nothing," Flowerpaw stuttered.

A light-gray tom with black stripes stepped in the den. "Smokepaw, Mistpaw, Fawnstar wants to talk to you."

"Yes, Nightfur. See you, Flowerpaw," Smokepaw said, as the brother and sister both stepped out.

Flowerpaw felt a sad, cold shiver run through her, as she realized how lonely she felt without her brother. She needed him, but with Snowpaw in the way, she could never take him back.

It was nearly sunset when Flowerpaw left the apprentice den, and she could see her brother talking to his mentor. She noticed him peek to his left and see her standing alone. When Thunderclaw dismissed him, Flowerpaw thought he was walking to her. But instead, he ignored her and walked to Snowpaw.

Pain-like fury grew in Flowerpaw as she let out a loud cry, which was not meant to be heard. Nearly the whole Clan froze and turned to stare at her. She could see Stonepaw staring at her with regret in his eyes for leaving her.

Before anyone said anything to her, she dashed out of camp. She ran down the slope and into a grassy field, where she could hide her small self from being seen. She could feel someone nearing her as she hoped it would be her brother or mentor. It was Snowpaw.

Snowpaw looked a bit surprised, as if she hadn't known Flowerpaw would be in the tall grass. "Um, I couldn't help but notice your saddened out-look on your brother and I's feelings for eachother," Snowpaw mewed.

Flowerpaw shook her head, "It's not that. It's how he's treating me. He's acting like I'm not alive, and you're the only cat left in the Clan!"

Snowpaw's eyes widened. "I didn't mean to take him from you!"

"That doesn't matter, now I'm asking you to stay away from him!" Flowerpaw yelled.

"You can't do that! I won't stop seeing him! Nor will he stop seeing me! He loves me, and you can't take that away!"

Flowerpaw knew she was right, she couldn't keep him from loving her. But what could she do? She growled, "He's my brother, you know! I know what's best for him!"

"He knows what's best for himself! You don't decide! He's staying with me, and that's final, got it?" Snowpaw hissed.

Flowerpaw couldn't keep herself from pouncing off the ground. Snowpaw wasn't prepared for a fight. Flowerpaw unsheathed her claws and dug them in to her pelt. She pinned Snowpaw down and bit down into her neck, and felt a cat's warm blood in her mouth for the first time. She never expected it would be a cat from her Clan.

Snowpaw yowled and kicked Flowerpaw off, briefly attempting to lick her neck wound. Before she could, Flowerpaw leaped again, this time, biting her tail and keeping her blood pouring. Snowpaw let out a cry and collapsed. Before Flowerpaw could declare the war over, Stonepaw finally decided to show up.

He couldn't program what had just happened. His sister's fur muffled and ragged, and his mate on the ground in pain, a small pool of blood near her.

Flowerpaw wanted nothing more than to run away and leave the Clan for good. But she still needed her brother.

Stonepaw ran by Snowpaw's side and began licking her, trying to stop the bleeding. He whispered to Snowpaw, "Did she do this to you?"

Snowpaw gave a weak nod and before Flowerpaw had time to explain, Stonepaw stood up yelling furiously at her, "What have you done?! Why would you do this to her! Or to me!? Why, Flowerpaw?"

Stonepaw turned and tried picking up Snowpaw in a manner that wouldn't hurt her. He needed more help to carry her, or else he would be dragging her. "Help me!" Stonepaw hissed to Flowerpaw.

She ran to Snowpaw and helped carry her back to camp.

Flowerpaw couldn't help noticing all the eyes that were watching them carry Snowpaw to Leafwind's den.

Fawnstar was the first to question, "What's happened?"

Stonepaw didn't speak, leaving Flowerpaw to answer. Though she didn't want to tell the leader she broke the warrior code.

Stonepaw could feel his sister's fear and spoke, "Flowerpaw.... she attacked Snowpaw."

Fawnstar stood motionless and looked at Flowerpaw, "You did this?"

Flowerpaw couldn't believe it either, "Please Fawnstar, allow me to explain."

Fawnstar looked bewildered, "You, Flowerpaw? I would never have guessed."

Flowerpaw wondered if she heard her, so she repeated herself, "Allow me to explain!"

"Go to your den, now Flowerpaw! Your mentor and I will speak of this!" Fawnstar rasped. Flowerpaw had never heard her angry before, and it came to her strongly.

Flowerpaw dropped her tail and walked to the exit of the medicine den. She whispered to her brother, "I'm sorry, Stonepaw."

He turned his head and whispered back, "I almost wish I could believe that."

Chapter 8

Flowerpaw could scent blood and flesh weaving through the air. She wondered if it had been her own. Flowerpaw curiously looked side to side, making sure no predators had attacked her. She then could see a dark figure halting beside her. Before she had any time to call to her brother, she felt the sharp teeth of the gray-striped she-cat dug into her pelt. And with a fright, she woke up.

Flowerpaw saw Stonepaw and Snowpaw eating together a few tail-lengths away from her. Ever since he met that pest, he hasn't paid any attention to me!

Two nights had passed since Crowpelt's absurd actions, and Flamefur has recovered. Flowerpaw didn't pay notice to that, all she was thinking about was her nightmares that never seem to vanish. Who is the gray she-cat who keeps attacking her in her dreams? She's had several guesses that it's Snowpaw's mentor, Dustcloud, but whenever Flowerpaw saw her, she looked harmless. Flowerpaw shook the thought away after she had seen Silverheart speaking with Thunderclaw. Are they talking about Stonepaw and I? Flowerpaw wondered.

When Silverheart saw Flowerpaw approaching, she gave a look of dread and said her goodbyes to Thunderclaw. Did Silverheart not like her? Once she reached her, Silverheart began, "I was thinking I could show you some hunting skills."

Flowerpaw nodded, "That would be great."

"Okay, follow me," Silverheart meowed.

They had reached some grassy fields, where rabbits and mice were plentiful. Flowerpaw did well on her first few tries, grateful to the quests with her brother that had showed her in the first place.

"You did a fine job, let's take these back to camp," Silverheart mewed.

Flowerpaw took as many mice as she could in her mouth and carried them back to camp, and when she had dropped her fresh-kill back in the pile, she heard Stonepaw calling after her.

"Hi, Stonepaw," Flowerpaw meowed, feeling a little angry that they havn't talked for two days because of Snowpaw.

"Hey, do you want to eat with me?" Stonepaw asked.

"Sure, I've kind of missed talking with you," Flowerpaw said, wishing she hadn't because she thought she sounded too desperate.

Stonepaw nodded, half-not paying attention, half-thinking.

Flowerpaw noticed his unease, "Everything okay?"

"Y-Yea, I just have this... weird feeling," Stonepaw embarrisingly said.

Flowerpaw licked his ear, "Why don't you see Leafwind."

"No, not that kind of feeling. I mean, I feel... fine. It's just," he stopped, thinking how he should finish, "I think she likes me."

Flowerpaw didn't need to ask who he meant, she already knew. A dark flame grew in her, and she had wished Snowpaw had never met her brother. She tried to keep calm, for her brother's sake, "She probably does," she didn't know if she should ask him, but she did, "Do you feel the same way?"

Stonepaw looked at her, nearly insane. "I think I do."

Flowerpaw didn't want to hear anymore. Snowpaw is taking Stonepaw away from her, and he needed him back. "That's great, I'm going to go eat with someone else, bye."

"But I thought we were-" Stonepaw realized for the first time that Flowerpaw didn't approve of his mini romance. He regretted telling her what he felt, but he couldn't take it back.