Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Chapter 14 (Sorry for the long wait!)

   As they traveled out into DuskClan territory and into their forest. Flowerpaw walked silently by Stonepaw's side, not taking a single step without him. The group hurried along, because Thornstar was just as anxious as the DuskClan members were to see the trail and everyone's reactions. The slight wind in the air was chilling, and made Flowerpaw's hair prickle and stand on end.
   We stopped.
    "This is it! You can smell it yourself!" Thunderclaw sneered.
   Thornstar and his two other warriors all smelled the ground. Thornstar's ears went down, and Flowerpaw knew he was guilty.
   "This isn't a fox's scent!" Thornstar tried to fool the rest of them. "You don't know what this could be!"
   Flamefur hissed, "Then what do you think this could be? There is nothing you can defend yourself with! Your warriors trespassed!"
   Nightblade's claws extended and he sprang at Flamefur. You could here the anger in her voice as she was yowling, "You disobeyed the warrior code!"
   Now, Mudfur had joined in, tackling Thunderclaw. Even Thornstar was attacking Silverheart and Crowpelt. Flowerpaw is out of it, and she and her brother could escape. She had to get him to a medicine cat before it was too late.
   "Stonepaw!" she whispered loud enough for him to hear, "I'm taking you back to Leafwind! Don't worry! Please, come with me!"
   Stonepaw didn't say a word, but he moved his paws in an awkward limp, and he walked quickly by his sister's side.
   Once they were half way to the camp, Stonepaw fell over. And, Flowerpaw was there to cushion his fall slightly. She looked at him, wondering what she could do.
   "Go get her. Or anyone. I'll be fine. I promise."
   Flowerpaw trusted him. What else could she do anyway? She licked his head, "I will be back, Stonepaw. Don't fade."
   He knew what she meant.
   Flowerpaw turned away and ran as fast as she could. Running was her best chance, not fighting, not carrying him. Running. That's all she could do.
   It was almost sunset when she had reached camp. The cats were all staring at her. Everyone. Flowerpaw looked around. "Where's Leafwind?!" she cried helplessly.
   Silentmoon approached her, "Leafwind is picking berries with Cloudpaw by the entrance. What's the matter?" she mewed, noticing that she was out of breath.
   "Thanks!" She didn't have time to reply, she ran back to the entrance of the camp. She turned around and around. "Where is she?" She thought. Soon enough, she saw her, a few fox-lengths away. She ran to her.
   "Leafwind! Stonepaw needs you! Please come, I don't have much time!" she yelled.
   Leafwind wasn't one to ask questions. She handed Cloudpaw the berries, "Take these back to the den. I'll be back soon enough." She grabbed common herbs for healing that were around her, and she even had found poppy seeds. She carried them in her mouth, and signaled to Flowerpaw to lead the way.
   Leafwind was a fast runner as well, she caught up with Flowerpaw without a problem. As soon as they had brushed the leaves out of the way and gotten to where Stonepaw was, he was gone.
   "Leafwind! He was here!" Flowerpaw cried, and she could feel the water drowning her eyes.
   Together, they turned, as the cry from Stonepaw was heard, and the birds deserted the trees.